Music Recording Technology 课程

这些列表来自课程网,有些课程可能不是每个学期都提供. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学术部门,与 咨询 or refer to the current 课程表 and College 目录.

MURT 20 - Introduction to Music Technology    ( 3.00 -单位)
Fundamentals of digital audio manipulation, 使用行业标准的数字音频工作站软件进行录音和制作. 专注于音频平台的基本功能和技术熟练程度,如Avid ProTools和Ableton LIVE. 介绍MIDI排序,数字信号处理和音频编辑.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 评估各种麦克风的特性和评估麦克风技术策略.
  2. Construct a multitrack session.
  3. 演示音频信号流通过模拟和数字信号链的基本技术的适当实施.
  4. 在录音过程中培养对单个音轨方面的批判能力.
  5. 解释声学和声音的基本原理,包括模拟到数字音频的转换.

MURT 21 - Audio Recording I    ( 3.00 -单位)
这是一个介绍性的课程,将提供基本的技能,学习和功能内的专业工具音频制作环境. Pro Tools代表了新一代的数字音频工作站,它使用个人计算机和数字信号处理的能力来直接将多轨数字音频记录到硬盘上. 本课程涵盖基本的基本概念和技术, including basic acoustics, 信号流, microphone principles and usage, studio equipment, signal processing, recording console functions, and multi-track recording procedures.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 评估各种麦克风的特性和评估麦克风技术策略.
  2. Construct a multitrack session.
  3. 演示音频信号流通过模拟和数字信号链的基本技术的适当实施.
  4. 在录音过程中培养对单个音轨方面的批判能力.
  5. 解释声学和声音的基本原理,包括模拟到数字音频的转换.
  6. 识别现代家庭录音室的基本硬件组件.

MURT 22A - Electronic Music I    ( 3.00 -单位)
这个中级课程涵盖了电子音乐制作和MIDI排序的基础知识. Principles of synthesis, survey of electronic 音乐 instruments and their development, MIDI sequencing, 鼓机, 击败使, and multitrack electronic 音乐 production will be studied.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Analyze the layers of a multi-track electronic 音乐 piece.
  2. Properly wire MIDI instruments, computers, and digital interfaces.
  3. Recognize and operate basic electronic 音乐 instruments.
  4. Implement the essential components of MIDI sequencing software.
  5. Describe the principles of digital sampling.

MURT 22B - Electronic Music II    ( 3.00 -单位)
这门高级课程建立在MUSA 22A电子音乐I的知识和技术技能的基础上. 将研究MIDI和数字录音环境的集成以及先进的电子音乐制作. Projects will include audio for film and video, theatrical productions, 视频游戏, advertisements, sound effects and sound installations.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Analyze the layers of a multi-track electronic 音乐 piece.
  2. Properly wire MIDI instruments, computers, and digital interfaces.
  3. Recognize and operate basic electronic 音乐 instruments.
  4. 学生将展示数字录音艺术的高级才能.
  5. 理解和实现MIDI测序软件的基本组件.

MURT 23 - Audio Recording II    ( 3.00 -单位)
Advanced studio recording techniques. 高度具体和细化麦克风的选择和实施, complex multichannel 信号流, analog and digital signal processing, and multitrack mixing in the digital audio workstation. 学生制作,动手录音会议在演播室和现场音乐会设置.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 演示通过复杂多轨录音会话的模拟和数字信号链的音频信号流的先进技术的适当实现.
  2. 在复杂的多通道录音会议中,为多个轨道以及整体混音方面开发一个关键的耳朵.
  3. 在演播室和现场音乐会设置产生动手录音会议.

MURT 24 - Advanced Mixing Techniques    ( 3.00 -单位)
本课程扩展了基本的实际音乐制作和多轨录音技能,包括复杂的项目, integration of acoustic and digital recording elements, and use of current computer software in the mixing process. 使用外置和虚拟信号处理器实现对多声道音频混合的信号处理, submixing, busing and summing mixes, complex 信号流, advanced mixer automation, and selected topics in mastering.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 开发和评估各种仪器实现的麦克风技术策略.
  2. Explain basic principles of acoustics and sound perception.
  3. 识别和批评的优点和缺点,在个人和团体的轨道预先录制的混音.
  4. 识别,区分和评估各种麦克风的设计和声音特性.
  5. 通过高级录音室控制台的组件正确构建音频信号链.

MURT 25 - Live Concert Sound    ( 1.00 -单位)
Sound design and amplification management for live 音乐 events. Management and manipulation of audio 信号流, interconnected amplification hardware, stage monitoring, and real-time audio signal processing for live audio events. Hands-on participation in on-campus live audio events.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 执行适当的现场录音计划,包括麦克风, 布线, 演讲者, equipment care and management.

MURT 26 - Music Business    ( 3.00 -单位)
本课程介绍了音乐产业的商业和法律方面的概述. 主题包括:职业道路,唱片合同,出版,许可,分销和版权. 除了, the duties and responsibilities of producers, 代理, 经理, 启动子, and performing artists will be examined.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Become conversant with standard aspects of 音乐 contracts.
  2. 理解音乐授权和发行的法律问题.
  3. Explain the process of copyright procedures.
  4. recognize the role and importance of 音乐 publishing.

MURT 31 - Sound Design    ( 3.00 -单位)
介绍声音设计和多媒体音频后期制作. Includes creating and editing sound sffects, 美国存托凭证, 福利, 音乐, 和氛围, for multiple visual mediums such as film, TV, 视频游戏, 剧院, 和舞蹈. 强调使用数字音频工作站的计算机辅助生产和使用工业标准设备的声音设计技术.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 解释声学和声音的基本原理,包括模拟到数字音频的转换.
  2. 演示音频信号流通过模拟和数字信号链的基本技术的适当实施.
  3. 评估各种麦克风的特性和评估麦克风技术策略.

MURT 32B - Game Audio Design II    ( 3.00 -单位)
电子游戏的高级音乐和音频创作,包括在电子游戏中的实现. Advanced 音乐 cue composition, 福利 SFX recording and design, and functional implementation in a live game context.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Construct a multitrack session.
  2. 演示音频信号流通过模拟和数字信号链的基本技术的适当实施.
  3. 在录音过程中培养对单个音轨方面的批判能力.
  4. 解释声学和声音的基本原理,包括模拟到数字音频的转换.

MURT 32A - Game Audio Design I    ( 3.00 -单位)
概述 of game sound development, basics of sound effects libraries and working with animation, typical studio effects, sound manipulation, and common troubleshooting. Fundamental techniques of recording custom effects, proper integration of audio, and mixing techniques particular to the gaming industry. Basics of the game audio industry, including professional roles, occupational divisions, 调度, contracts and workflow.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Construct a multitrack sound design.
  2. Identify basic hardware components of a modern studio
  3. 解释声学和声音的基本原理,包括模拟到数字音频的转换.
  4. Develop a critical ear.

MURT 50 - Music Industry Internship    ( 1.00 -单位)
Internship in the 音乐 industry as approved by Music Recording & 技术教师在学生的课程和兴趣的背景下,在MURT部门. 学生与音乐行业主管之间的合作努力,以完成商定的工作目标和经验目标. 学生在学期内提供服务经验小时数证明. Music industry organization to be approved by MURT faculty. 工作时间和职责由学生和音乐行业主管商定. 学生将与MURT的教师每周见面一小时,讨论经验 & progress. 教师 permission required for registration in the class.

Student 学习 Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 在课堂上学习并将所学知识运用到专业环境中.
  2. 培养完成特定专业任务的有效策略
  3. 在现实世界中,非学术环境中实践和展示专业行为.