
Earn college credits while you're in high school with our early college dual enrollment 机会.

好处 of 早期的大学 Dual Enrollment for current high school students

We offer 并发招生/Individual Dual Enrollment (CE/IDE) for current high school students to take “大学 classes and earn college credits.


As long as prerequisite requirements are met, CE/IDE students can enroll in any Chabot 大学课程(体育除外). 所有双注册课程都是 受容量限制.


  • 2024年夏季截止日期:2024年5月10日星期五 
  • 2024年秋季截止日期:2024年7月26日星期五 

* Concurrent/Individual Dual Enrollment (CE/IDE) forms submitted to Chabot after the 列出的截止日期将不被接受.

暑期学院课程, students in Hayward Unified, Castro Valley Unified, San Lorenzo Unified, and San 莱安德罗有优先权登记. 参观 2024夏季学院网页.


  • 9年级,10年级,11年级或12年级的学生.
  • GPA应该是2分.0或更高. 
  • 必须获得家长/监护人的许可. 
  • Be pre-approved by the Principal or Counselor to pursue specific courses. (CA代码, 第48800条,48800条.5, & 48802). 
  • Complete an application for admission and the 并发招生 packet every 学期. 


  • 限制入读高级学术课程. 体育招生 否则基本技能课程将不被允许. (CA法典第48800条). 
  • Concurrent/Individual Dual Enrollment students can only enroll in 11 units max. 
  • It is recommended for first-time Concurrent/Individual Dual Enrollment students to 报读一门课程(3-5个单元). 


  • 学费 is waived for students in the Concurrent/Individual Dual Enrollment program. 
  • 健康和学生服务费是强制性的. 
    • 夏季学期是18美元.
    • 秋季/春季学期是21美元.
  • 学生有权选择不参加: 学生 representation fee ($10) and 学生 activity fee ($2) by filling out the 在上课前在class - web上选择退出表格.

  • 学费 国际 州外学生是360美元/单位. 

强制性费用和费用可能会有所变化,请参阅 大学费用网页.

  • 学生 will be treated as regular college students and are expected to comply with 所有学校的规章制度. 
  • At the completion of the course, 学生 receives college credit. 
  • For in-person courses, students must arrange for their own transportation to and from the college and are responsible for obtaining their own books and equipment. 


  • Dual enrollment students 有 higher rates of high school graduation (7% increase 平均). 
  • Dual enrollment students 有 higher rates of college enrollment (15% increase on 平均水平). 
  • Dual enrollment students 有 higher rates of completing a college degree (25% increase 平均).  

要查看完整的报告, 读了 2021年大学和职业准入:途径立法报告


  • Concurrent/Individual Dual Enrollment college courses are tuition free.
    • 学生 still need to pay health fees (Summer: $18, Fall: $21) 看到 the 大学费用网页
  • 减少未来的大学费用. 
  • 加速完成大学学业. 
  • 学会驾驭大学制度和学术. 

New students and returning students 有 different enrollment steps. 从下面选择 最适合你的那个. 


这是给高中生的 不是以前 上过大学课程.


这是给高中生的 以前拍的 大学课程.


什么是提款(W)? A drop or withdrawal (W) is when a student removes themselves 从课堂上 roster. 学生 who drop will no longer receive a grade from that course. W不影响 your GPA; however, too many “W’s” can affect financial aid, your application to a UC/CSU, athletic eligibility, veterans’ education benefits, and priority registration. 

  • Web-drop是指您从class - web上退出一个课程.  

什么是无记录成绩(NGR)网页投放/NGR撤回(W): “大学 has a period where students can withdraw without any penalty. 一个没有 grade on record (NGR) drop/withdrawal will disappear from your transcript within the 学期.

检查最后一天的提款和NGR 在校历上.

韦德1946如何在class - web上放弃或退出课程的步骤 

  1. 登录课程的网页
  2. 转到“学生服务”.” 
  3. 选择“注册.” 
  4. 选择“添加/删除或退出课程”.” 
  5. 你会有这个地方的课程列表. 搜索“action”下面的下拉框.” 然后选择下拉菜单. 
  6. 点击下拉菜单上的“Web Drop”. 
  7. 点击“提交.” 
  8. Confirm that the next screen displays the course as a "Web-Drop". 你现在退出了 从课堂上.
  9. 韦德1946撤资或撤资的额外资源(W) 
    1. 观看视频
    2. 查看指南
    3. 参观 退课网页

学生 can also talk to the instructor directly about dropping.

Dual enrollment courses are college credits and must be reported to CSU’s and UCs 就像大学成绩单上的课程一样. 

有关加州大学双招生政策的更多信息, 请查看他们的网站

For information about CSU’s Dual Enrollment policy, 请查看他们的网站. 

订购 官方查伯特学院成绩单, 参观 查伯特学院成绩单网页.

What if I took a class that meets a pre-requisite at my High School (NOTE: Figure 咨询的正确过程)  

“大学 will determine if a prerequisite satisfies requirements. 最准确地说 information, once you 有 completed CCC应用 and obtained a W#, obtain a high school 抄本并预约 Chabot咨询咨询部门.


If you 有 a hold on your account, please contact 招生 and 记录, ccarcom@fc-daudenzell.com

我忘了我的w#. 我该怎么办?? 

如果有的话  通过电子邮件收到你的w#,你可以在课程的网页上找到你的w#. 

  • 用户标识: 社会安全#或CCID 
  • 我的CCID是什么? 它是您的应用程序ID. 你可以登录你的 CCC应用 
  • 销: 出生日期(星期) 
  • Ex: If my date of birth is April 13, 2000, my PIN would be 041300 
  • 您将需要创建一个新的PIN和安全问题 
  • 登录后,在课程的网页页面,点击“我的身份证是什么?” 

我怎么有我的 课程的网页 帐户固定,如果它已被禁用?  

给卡伦·梅特卡夫发邮件 kmetcalf@fc-daudenzell.com


If a student no longer wants to participate in a course, it is 学生's responsibility 确保课程被取消. 没有截止日期就放弃课程是有规定的 不及格的:得到负的或不及格的分数. 参见说明 如何退课 


请参阅 通识教育与转学模式课程 页面以确定课程是否可转学


是的. Undocumented students should read and if eligible complete the AB 2364 form attached 到“同时报名表格”.

If I am taking a class at “大学, can my parents access my records? 

学生 and parents should understand that when taking 大学课程 they are 被当作成年人对待. 教师和校园服务将直接与 学生. On the 同时报名表格 there is the option to authorize the 向父母或监护人透露信息.


Any grade given after the NGR (No Grade of Record)/Census date is permanent. 请 check your course syllabus to know the specific NGR date for your course. 


学生 who fail a course will 有 the grade on their permanent transcript. 学生 can retake the course to get the credit, improve their GPA and improve their standing.


A college class is a serious commitment where 不 attending class can lead to learning loss, missing essential information to succeed in the course and possibly failure 或解雇. 请 check the course syllabus or discuss any absences with your instructor. 

What if I 有 sports or other extracurricular activities at the same time? 

A college class is a serious commitment where 不 attending class can lead to learning loss, missing important information to succeed in the course and possibly failure 或解雇. 请 check the course syllabus or discuss any absences with your instructor. 

If I 有 an IEP at my high school, will I receive the same accommodation and modification 在我的夏博课程上? 

请与 残疾学生计划 & 2400号楼(ACE)的服务(需求方)项目 无障碍教育中心) 可能的住宿.


你可以在网上找到你的非正式成绩单 课程的网页 步骤如下: 

  1. 登入后,选择“学生服务” 
  2. 去“学生记录”. 
  3. “非官方成绩单” 
  4. Transcript Level: Undergraduate; Transcript Type: Web Transcript 
  5. 你正在看你的非官方成绩单. 




